[ubuntu-uk] Sad but true? From the Register

Simon Wears munkyjunky at googlemail.com
Thu Jan 15 21:02:58 GMT 2009

The annoying thing is, I can't seem to do that! I live in halls at
university, and I thought I'd try something like that to help fix my mums pc
back home, so I tried a few things (Gitso is the only one who's name I
remember) and non of them work, due to not being able to use many ports on
the halls internet. Which just goes go show, Manchester Met uni admins are
no fun :(

2009/1/15 Johnathon Tinsley <kirrus at kirrus.co.uk>

> Simon Wears wrote:
> > When I first switched to Ubuntu around 18 months ago, I thought it was
> > so much easier to use that Windows. From using Windows from 6 years old
> > (back on Win95) until I was 16, then switching to Ubuntu, I was
> > incredibly impressed with how easy it was to use everything, considering
> > all I had to go was click 'Internet' then 'Web Browser', and 'Office'
> > then 'Word Processor'.
> >
> >
> > That makes me think that, unless there was some 'technical' reason as to
> > why she couldn't connect to the internet, like as said, a USB modem, she
> > clearly didn't read anything on the menus. The thing that took me a
> > while to get used to was applications menu being at the top of the
> screen.
> >
> > I think it would be good to promote free / open source software or Linux
> > / Ubuntu more, so people are more aware of the differences, and how
> > Linux works, and mostly how it isn't Windows! I've had a few friends
> > consider switching to Ubuntu (mostly from being impressed by Compiz) and
> > get intreseted in having free software, but the main problem they have
> > is the lack of support avaliable to hand. They arn't fans of using
> > forums, (and some of them don't even get what it is!) and I've moved
> > away for university, so if something went wrong they'd be stuck.
> >
> This is where I get sneaky.. I put OpenVPN on their systems, connecting
> in to my personal server on the internet. As their OpenVPN connects OUT,
> it by-passes their firewall. I then add openssh-server. If you're
> paranoid, you can restrict it to listen on just the VPN interface.
> As long as their computer is on, and connected to the internet, you can
> access it remotely to support them :-)
> Johnathon
> --
> ubuntu-uk at lists.ubuntu.com
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Simon Wears

MunkyJunky at Gmail.com | http://MunkyJunky.com
Manchester Metropolitan University Computing Student
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