[ubuntu-uk] Unsuscrib

John Levin john at technolalia.org
Thu Jan 15 20:27:08 GMT 2009

Sean Miller wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 5:35 PM, Ian Betteridge <ian at ianbetteridge.co.uk> wrote:
>> I'm not going to point out that refering to someone as "the bird" like
>> that is patronising and sexist. Oh not. Not for my first post to the
>> list.
>> Oh dear, I just did...
> Well, I meant it in the nicest possible sense.
> Better than the "dumbest blonde in the world" or whatever the poor
> lady (not the one who unsubscribed, as far as I know, but the mad Yank
> I alluded to!!) was described elsewhere on the list today.
> Let's try to avoid getting too PC.  "bird", "gal", "fella", "geezer",
> "other 'alf", "trouble and strife" etc. are all colloqiualisms which
> aren't really sexist or patronising at all, unless one decides to make
> them so.

'bird' and 'trouble & strife' are perjoratives, and certainly are 
sexist. There is no relation between gender and having difficulty with 
mailing lists.


John Levin

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