[ubuntu-uk] Venues and global bug jam

Iain Lane laney at ubuntu.com
Thu Jan 8 18:53:03 GMT 2009

On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 5:57 PM, John Levin <john at technolalia.org> wrote:
> I've contacted the Uni of Westminster, who hold GLLUG (London LUG)
> meetings as to whether it would be possible to use their rooms. I need
> some idea of what we would require for the bug jam; I'll add the venue
> to the list when they've given some indication as to whether they can
> accomodate us.
> John

Hi John,

Thanks for doing this. There's some information available at:


Essentially it seems like power, network and (optionally) a projector
are the requirements. And a nearby pub to retire to afterwards :).


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