[ubuntu-uk] printing scanned documents

norman norman at littletank.org
Sat Jan 3 18:35:15 GMT 2009

I have recently changed from Ubuntu 8.04 to 8.10 and I have noticed
something strange. I have used XSane for several years for scanning and
sending images to the printer and, until recently, there was very little
delay between the completion of the scan and the start up of the
printer. However, with 8.10, there is a very noticeable lag between end
of scan and start up of printer. Furthermore, this delay seems to
increase with increase in the number of copies required and also there
is a noticeable delay between copies when several are required. 

I have tried to find out what could be the cause but, so far, I have not
been successful. I would be grateful for any useful suggestions, please.


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