[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu for the Eee

Yishay Mor yishaym at gmail.com
Sat Jan 3 11:58:46 GMT 2009

2009/1/3 John Levin <john at technolalia.org>

> Liam Proven wrote:
> >
> > What's the best Ubuntu remix for the Eee? Eeebuntu, Ubuntu-Eee, something
> else?
> >
> I use Ubuntu-Eeee on my 701
> http://www.ubuntu-eee.com/
> Based on the 8.04 LTS, it's go the netbook interface - nice big icons
> etc - which suit my v. small 7" display. Hardware all works fine.

I second that!
Here's my little devil doing emergency file transfers from Pl. St. Pietro,


 Yishay Mor, Researcher, London Knowledge Lab
  +44-20-78378888 x5737
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