[ubuntu-uk] Non default driver

Rowan rowan.berkeley at googlemail.com
Wed Feb 25 17:41:19 GMT 2009

I didn't start out with the preconception that someone else would have 
to sort it out for me hands-on. However, I do feel that now, and 
yesterday two people on this list said quite cheerfully that at some 
point it should be possible to do just that, and I don't want to start 
reviewing that decision all over again. I am quite happy to wait until 
someone has the time and energy and inclination to arrange a time and 
place to sort it out with me hands-on. Reinstalling the whole of ubuntu 
seems unnecessary. It's just a matter of recompiling the driver, 
installing the DKMS, and checking for any other instances of non-default 


Tony Travis wrote:
> Rowan wrote:
>> I would certainly want to make it clear to anyone considering starting
>> with Linux that unless they are already online with another machine (I
>> am using a beat-up old sony running WinXP) it will be absolute hell for
>> them to find anyone who can help them get started.
>  > [...]
> Hello, Rowan.
> I'm not unsympathetic to your plight, but I've lost count of the many 
> family and friends that I've helped to resolve problems caused by new 
> releases, or incompatible upgrades, of Windows that didn't recognise 
> hardware on their PC's. I don't think their Windows 'hell' was any less 
> frustrating than your experience with Linux has been to date: I've got 
> to say that I've found the online Windows community every bit as helpful 
> to each other as the Linux community are in resolving problems. Quite a 
> lot of knowledge is actually shared between these two user communities.
> What I witnessed in response to your post on this list was many people 
> responding to you and offering to help you resolve your problem. I was 
> one of the people who responded, and suggested you tried booting from 
> the Ubuntu 'live' CD. Matt Daubney also suggested your try booting from 
> the 'live' CD and Rob beard suggested you look at some Linux magazines. 
> We were, of course, trying to help you to resolve your driver problem 
> yourself because that is part of what Linux is all about and why people 
> like to use it. However, what seems to have frustrated you most is that 
> few of us realised that you wanted someone else to solve the problem...
> That's not unreasonable if you can't or don't want to solve the problem 
> yourself, but there is a community of people here who are used to a way 
> of solving problems that appears unfamiliar to you. I think you've put 
> your finger on a genuine problem, but I don't think that it's unique to 
> Linux. What I would say to anyone considering starting to use Linux is 
> that making contact with other people who are already using Linux can be 
> helpful, and an up-to-date list of UK LUG's (Linux User Groups) where 
> you can meet them is published every month in 'Linux Format' magazine.
> Bye,
> 	Tony.

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