[ubuntu-uk] Hooking up a machine running Ubuntu to a Mark 1 BT HomeHub

Ian Betteridge ian at ianbetteridge.co.uk
Wed Feb 18 12:19:36 GMT 2009

The white Home Hub should happily work with any machine connected via
Ethernet (USB is, if I remember, basically not used).

Basically, if everything is plugged in correctly, when you connect your PC
via Ethernet you should have a working Internet connection within a few
seconds - although the Hub comes with a CD full of software, you don't need
to install any of it (and it's all Windows stuff anyway).

Try this:

Connect up your Hub, turn it on, and wait a few minutes to let the Hub sort
out its connection to the Internet.

Next, connect your PC to one of the Ethernet ports on the back - it doesn't
matter which one - and wait a minute or two.

Now open Firefox on your PC. Try going to a web site. Is it working? If so,
congratulations! :)

If not, try entering http://bthomehub.home in your browser. This should get
you to the Hub's configuration screen. If not, try entering is the default IP address of the Home Hub).

If that's not working, there's either a problem at the PC end, or with the
cable. If it is working, then either something is wrong with the
configuration of the Hub or with your net connection.

Let me know if any of that works, and if it doesn't what happens - feel free
to email me off-list if you need more help.

On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 11:47 AM, Rowan <rowan.berkeley at googlemail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> I would love to know how to connect my new US-supplied Ubuntu-running
> machine to a Home Hub (Mark 1, white model). I  do not have, or intend
> to fit, a wireless card in the computer, but it has a multitude of
> Ethernet and USB ports.  I am  only concerned  with connecting via
> Ethernet (or, as a last resort, USB) cable. As you can see from the
> correspondence reproduced below, the manufacturer is not too well up on
> BT and its tyranny!
> =====
> Rowan,
> There is no printed manual for the LC2430S but it's viewable at the
> following URL:
> http://wiki.linuxcertified.com/wiki/downloads/LC2430S/JHL90_4.pdf
> Please note it's intended more for Windows rather than Linux.
> What type of device is the British Telecom HomeHub? Modem, router,
> access point or a combination? Is it Linux compatible? Please check
> dmesg when connecting to the HomeHub and NetworkManager applet on the
> right side of the top GNOME panel.
> Regards,
> Gilbert
> Rowan <rowan.berkeley at googlemail.com> wrote:
> > Model No.: LC2430S (with Ubuntu)
> >
> > Hello,
> > I received this machine about a week ago. There was no manual included
> > in the box, and I cannot figure out how to connect it to a British
> > Telecom HomeHub Mark 1 (white), which is basically intended to
> > configure itself to Windows and Macs. I have tried Ethernet and USB
> > connections direct to the HomeHub in its immediately post-hard-reset
> > state - i.e. reset to the way it left the factory, then allowed to
> > stabilise for an hour, and in this condition it will recognise and
> > configure itself for a Windows or Mac machine automatically (without
> > need of any installation disc). But it could not see the Linux machine
> > at all, nor could the Linux machine see it in its network connections
> > window. If there should have been a printed manual included with this
> > machine, please send it to the same address I used for ordering and
> > billing, and notify me when to expect it.
> >
> > yours sincerely,
> > Rowan Berkeley
> > London, England
> >
> --
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