[ubuntu-uk] Rolling back Updates

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace matthew at truthisfreedom.org.uk
Thu Feb 12 12:38:36 GMT 2009

Quoting Chris Weaver <chris at resonancefm.com>:

> Hi All,
> I'm working through the rather painful process of moving our radio
> stations (Resonance104.4FM) computers from XP to Ubuntu Intrepid. I
> won't bore you with multiple problems I'm facing, mainly through Linux
> ignorance and a little bit of Ubuntu crazyness, but I wondered two
> things:
> 1) Is it possible to roll back an update? I broke a perfectly
> functioning machine but allowing it to update (the kernal is now
> xxxxxx-23) and now no sound.

When you boot the machine, you should be able to press ESC which will  
allow you to choose the kernel to boot from.

If you can specify the machine/hardware etc then we may be able to  
help.  There is a known issue with certain hardware and kernels that  
mean that you have to run a script after the kernel upgrade.

Check out


and execute the actions required at the bottom of the page for if you  
are already running Ubuntu_8.04.

> 2) Does any one have experience with the paid for support offered by
> Canonical? Is it worth the cost?

Nope, sorry. :o(

> P.S Anyone a member of the London LUG?

Popey will be, that man gets everywhere... :oP

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace
matthew at truthisfreedom.org.uk

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