[ubuntu-uk] getting my Jaunty working again....

Dave Morley davmor2 at davmor2.co.uk
Wed Apr 22 08:53:06 BST 2009

On Wed, 2009-04-22 at 08:46 +0100, Sean Miller wrote:
> So the release date is only a matter of hours away and now, having
> been reprimanded for having a beta version and moaning it wasn't
> working, I am planning to hopefully get Jaunty working again over the
> weekend.
> The symptoms are that it gets to the login prompt on X and then just
> hangs entirely.  I also haven't managed to get it to boot into
> recovery mode either to look at logs etc., so I think there's
> something a bit fundamental gone wrong.
> Is there any way, do you think, that I could "upgrade" from an ISO
> without losing all my custom configuration, or is the best thing to
> back up the /home structure and wipe?
> Thoughts very gratefully accepted,
> Sean

There are a lot of big under the hood changes gone into Jaunty.  You may
well find that it is you configurations that might be breaking things
for you.

I would recommend the backup reinstall method.

However you might want to try a couple of things first.  Try booting
into rescue mode from the cd.  If you can
mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/my.conf  then try rebooting.

This might enable you to at least login at which point you can rebuild X
Seek That Thy Might Know

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