[ubuntu-uk] Windows Free Laptops

Adam Bagnall bagnaj97 at googlemail.com
Fri Nov 14 17:44:51 GMT 2008

Rob Beard wrote:
> Adam Bagnall wrote:
>> If you're thinking of getting the aspire one I'd definitely save the 
>> extra for the normal HDD version. I'm all for solid state, even if it's 
>> only 8gb, but the ssd in my aspire one is painfully slow. Even doing 
>> fairly trivial things sometimes causes the ssd activity light to just 
>> stay on solidly and the laptop freezes for a few seconds (and it's not 
>> swapping. 0k swap used). Updates on it are a nightmare because they take 
>> so long and pretty much render it unusable until they're complete.
>> Adam
> Ahh that's not good.  I wouldn't really be able to afford a 
> bigger/quicker SSD, so I guess I'd have to go down the hard drive route 
> afterall (or buy an additional hard drive to put in afterwards and turn 
> the 8GB SSD into a big USB drive).
> Rob
The SSD aspire one is slightly smaller than the HDD one and can't fit a 
2.5"hdd in it. You can replace the ssd with a 1.8" hdd providing it has 
the correct (pata zif) connector though. You can get 30gb 1.8" drives on 
ebay for around £30, but that defeats the point of buying the cheaper 


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