[ubuntu-uk] Windows Free Laptops

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Fri Nov 14 11:42:46 GMT 2008

2008/11/14 Paul Sutton <zleap at zleap.net>:
> I tried to print a flyer out from one of the ubuntu projects to promote
> ubuntu,  it was blurred when printed out on A4,(something to do with the
> size of the png file or something I am not a grapnics expert so can't
> fix it, so end up not bothering),   so not much use,  what is needed is
> some professionally printed flyers,  easily available as the cd's,

These are available already. The conference packs have lots of flyers.

https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DIYMarketing has some as does

> if
> it looks good people will take note,  and will be consistant,  hand
> printed stuff with a home printer can look awful compared to properly
> professionally printed leaflets (compare the free cd's to home printed
> cd labels and you get the idea),

We gave lots of these out at the Linux Expo in London last month. They
are indeed useful.

> Thing is,  I don't think the postage is that much, i would prefer an
> option to pay for x number of cd's given that my last order for stuff
> from the shop included 20 cd's and the postage was < £8 i think,  I
> would be happy to click and pay postage for free cd's),  same would
> apply if orders could be combined with shop orders,  so you pay postage
> for weight, so if ordering some stickers, and the postage i think is 4
> quid then the rest of the weight could be with free cd's,  I would be
> happy with this, as it would make the postage seem far more worth while,

I have a "few" CDs - about 200 or so, suggestions for how I can easily
distribute some of them out to you lot without me paying lots welcome!

> again from the shop order leaflets, flyers etc etc,  make it easier for
> us to promote, ubuntu and linux generally.

That's what the DIY Marketing and Spread Ubuntu sites are for. The
shop is more for consumers than advocates.

> One question,  i have a poster at http://www.zleap.net/downloads/ubuntu/
> my ubuntu poster has tux on it,  I was just womdering if this is a good
> idea, or if the direct association with Linux should be removed,  as not
> to put people off,

He's certainly prominent. I don't think it's necessary to have tux
there given the vast majority of people wont know what relevance a
penguin has, or indeed what/who he is, and it's not (and shouldn't be)
explained on the poster.

> again what is needed here, is an easy way to upload to the right place
> on the site, (it seems i need another password and uid to sign in to a
> different part of the community site,  perhaps someone on marketing
> could help me with this please.

You can logon to the spreadubuntu and the wiki sites using openid.


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