[ubuntu-uk] command line converting vid files

Kris Douglas webbox.uk at gmail.com
Sun May 11 20:29:03 BST 2008

On Sun, May 11, 2008 at 5:52 PM, Javad Ayaz <javadayaz at gmail.com> wrote:
> like i said the files were not copyrighted...but i appericiate the concern
> and the need to act on this forum regarding copyrighted stuff. As stated i
> have various home made files and im experimenting with different formats.
> The name was random.
> ps i dont even like Mr spurlock or the subject of his said documentary.
> I appericiate the many questions can and are irritating...but thats how one
> learns...not all the messages i receive from this list are interesting to
> me...or make sense even...but i read and delete them...!
> I appericate Alan's thought on this whole matter...like i said if i didnt
> ask i wouldnt learn!!!
> 2008/5/11 Alan Pope <alan at popey.com>:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Sun, 2008-05-11 at 17:30 +0100, Sean Miller wrote:
> > > Alan, I think the list has been completely dominated by Javad asking
> > > question after question after question the last couple of weeks.
> >
> > Yup, and I note that people have been very patient and helpful in
> > providing exceptionally detailed replies. Whilst you (and others) might
> > find that one person asking a lot of questions is annoying, the fact
> > that he's getting replies, and the replies cause further spin-off
> > discussions says to me that it's discussion people want to have.
> >
> > That aside, I appreciate that it's possible that being a new user to
> > Ubuntu and Linux, Javad is asking a lot of questions which could somehow
> > annoy or irritate other members of the group.
> >
> > It's a difficult balancing act.
> >
> >
> > > Be it a machine to download torrents, a way to rip video or something
> > > else it's constant...
> >
> > Many of those topics are of interest to many people. I was interested in
> > the remote torrent discussion - I have a box which I use for this.
> > Encoding video is also something I am interested in from the perspective
> > of someone taking .dv files and making usable video files out of them.
> >
> >
> > > Is this what this list is meant to be about?  I thought it was an
> > > advocacy list.
> >
> > According to the description, it's "For organising Ubuntu stuff in the
> > UK.". I didn't set that, and I don't know who did.
> >
> > Perhaps we need a better description of what this mailing list is about?
> >
> > Suggestions welcome.
> >

Hi Javad, on the note that Al made on the provocation of extended
conversations in said subject, the contibutions you are making to this
list are being noted. On the other hand, a lot of the questions you
have been asking can be solved using a simple google search. I have no
comment on the questionable content you are talking about, but
detailed tutorials and manuals are available for the mencoder package.

I have even read some things on the Ubuntu forums, after reading
things that have been going on here. Maybe keeping this thread on
topic would be a good idea, but based upon what I have read in
previous replies and your questions, it does seem that you are
creating an extrodinary amount of threads, when the answer has been
made available in other threads, or you could re-post in that thread.


Kris Douglas
 Softdel Limited Hosting Services
 Web: www.softdel.net
 Mail: kris at softdel.net

Company No. 6135915
Registered in England And Northern Ireland

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