[ubuntu-uk] please, help me buy a laptop.

Matt Jones matt at mattjones.me.uk
Sat Jun 21 22:04:14 BST 2008

Rob Beard wrote:
> James Grabham wrote:
>> Sooo, 16th birthday a week on Sunday, college starts in Sepember, so I 
>> want a laptop.
>> Looking at £300 or less.
> If you could manage to stretch your budget just a slight bit more you 
> could get a Dell Vostro with AMD Mobile Athlon X2 or Turion X2, 2GB Ram, 
> 160GB hard drive, DVD writer and 15.4 inch screen.  Dell are currently 
> offering free delivery on laptops over £299 + VAT.  I think the one I 
> spec'd up for a colleague at work was just over £370, I know a tad more 
> but if you can get it then it's worth it.  I think that had Vista 
> Business too because he wanted to downgrade to XP Pro.
> Otherwise you should be able to get a single core Athlon Vostro for 
> around £300 I would expect although performance in Vista will be um... 
> slow. (Although you can upgrade the memory on there which will speed 
> things up).
> Rob
I assume you are talking about the vostro 1000, which is basically a 
black inspiron of a couple of generations ago. The build isn't as good 
as the newer vostro's, as it is essentially a consumer product.  It 
doesn't really fit into the smallish size requirement.


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