[ubuntu-uk] Bug Day

James Milligan lake54 at lake54.com
Tue Jul 29 13:15:46 BST 2008

I've been using Ubuntu mainly on Virtual machines for the past year, and
really liked them (but obviously can't experience the full potential...). I
used the LiveCD to show my Dad what it is like, and he quite liked it, but
was worrying about it crashing the computer, and therefore messing
everything up. I've shown him one of the guides on the internet about
m) but he still wasn't keen - what can I persuade him with?

Thanks for the link - I'll check that out now.

Just thinking - this is going a bit off-topic now (oops)

James Milligan
Global Email:         lake54 at lake54.com
Business Email:     services at lake54.com
Private Email:         james_milligan at hotmail.co.uk
Website:                www.lake54.com

-----Original Message-----
From: ubuntu-uk-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
[mailto:ubuntu-uk-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com] On Behalf Of Stephen O'Neill
Sent: 29 July 2008 13:11
To: British Ubuntu Talk
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] Bug Day

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James Milligan wrote:
> but I don't really want to be talking about code

I think that it being a bug fixing day then you'd be out of luck!

It sounds like you're after a social event - I'm not sure what there is to
offer you in that realm, but starting with your local http://lug.org.uk/ may
be a good start?

Welcome to Ubuntu :)

- --
Stephen O'Neill
w: http://www.thefloatingfrog.co.uk/
e: squid at thefloatingfrog.co.uk
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