[ubuntu-uk] video editing

Mark Fraser kubuntu at mfraz74.orangehome.co.uk
Mon Jan 21 22:48:19 GMT 2008

On Monday 21 January 2008 20:32:18 Chris Smith wrote:
> Javad Ayaz wrote:
> > This command in terminal i take it?
> > Also do i need to specify the path of the files? or just file1.vob
> > file2.vob ?
> Yeah this is a command to be run in the terminal. You need to specify
> the paths to the files, I was assuming you were in the directory
> containing them. You could however do this:
> cat /path/to/file1.vob /path/to/file2.vob > /path/to/output.vob
> The output file will be created for you be the shell.

Managed to get that working here, merged 4 .vob files into 1. Just need to 
find something that will all me to edit them, have tried avidemux, but that 
needs the file to be put through projectx so that the audio and video are 
synced together.

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