[ubuntu-uk] Init Level.

Gavin Ford revford at blueyonder.co.uk
Sun Jan 13 22:02:54 GMT 2008

On Sun, Jan 13, 2008 at 08:32:29PM +0000, Andrew Jenkins wrote:
> Is there a way to change the init level of Ubuntu?
> I used to use Mandriva and changed the init level in
> /etc/inittab to '3' instead of '5'.  This made the
> machine boot up into a bash terminal with no GUI
> invoked.  If you then wanted a GUI you simply ran it
> with the command 'startx'.  Often when I switch my
> laptop on I just want a terminal but have to go through
> all the logon and GUI to get there.

The way I did this is by going into /etc/init.d and entering the command:

sudo chmod -x gdm

I also edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst to remove the splash and quiet options
from the kernel I usually boot.  This cuts out all the fancy graphical stuff.


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