[ubuntu-uk] Lost Signal

John Taylor john.68taylor at btinternet.com
Wed Jan 9 12:01:18 GMT 2008

Robert McWilliam wrote:
> On 08/01/08 19:55:26, John Taylor wrote:
>> We have a miniaturised screen, don't ask me how or why..... I went 
>> through your suggestions three or four times before swearing at the 
>> machine and then it happened and it can up with half an answer, a 15 
>> inch screen or thereabouts and I have about 3 inches either side just black.
>> Do you (can You or your cohorts?) take this any further or shall I troll 
>> the airways for some other kind souls?
> That sounds a lot like the resolution is lower than the native resolution of 
> the screen. Do you have the documentation for your screen handy to look up 
> what it's native resolution is? If not it can usually be found by googling the 
> model number. 
> ________________________________________________________
> Robert McWilliam     rmcw at allmail.net    www.ormiret.com
> Hardware: The parts of a computer system that can be kicked.

Thanks reply but that's not the answer I set the resolution as max of 
1360*768 or sometimes a little less just to try something different but 
the screen stays the same i.e. equivalent of about 15 inches - if I tick 
the "*wide Screen box*" screen stays the same size but I have to scroll 
the text (picture etc) from left to right to read it.

Is xfile playing silly buggers overriding the settings?


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