[ubuntu-uk] DVD

Michael Holloway michael at thedarkwinter.com
Wed Jan 9 09:53:28 GMT 2008


I'm trying to remember exactly how i've done this before... but first
point is that i did it in windows using (mostly) opensource software
that may or may not be available for linux.

The first thing i used was virtualdub, which is not to dissimilar to
avidemux. Using that i extracted the audio (not recoded, just extracted)
to own file, and then changed the framerate (an option somewhere) to
25fps and saved the video (also not recoded, but copied) into its own

so i had: 

Then using BeSweet and BeSweetGUI, you convert the audio from 23.97 to
25fps save as audio_pal.mp3

Then using virtualdub again, open video.avi, and add the audo_pal.mp3 as
the audio track. Then save the file as "complete.avi" (again, not
recoding, just using copy).

10 minutes later you have a PAL movie, and you can convert using the
normal methods.

Hopefully this helps, i dont have time to see if the programs work with
linux, or if there is an equivalent.


On Tue, 2008-01-08 at 19:10 +0100, davisjo wrote:
> Many thanks for the posts on DVD software.
> I have tried the DeVeDe software in all it's guises and when I do a
> preview, the sound is totally distorted. So much so, that it is not
> worth transcoding the film.
> Has anyone dragged a film off Ubuntu and used some other software, i.e
> Nero and recoded with any success ? 
> Many thanks
> John

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