[ubuntu-uk] Age and gender

Mark Fraser kubuntu at mfraz.orangehome.co.uk
Thu Aug 28 16:46:34 BST 2008

On Thursday 28 August 2008 11:47:46 Lucy wrote:
> On 28/08/2008, London School of Puppetry <lspinfo at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi there - I suppose my concern is not a personal need to join a group
> > etc- but rather the impression an organisation makes- I think Ubuntu is
> > great- and the support from the 'community'(male or female) helping me to
> > make a necessity work - I am irritated by female Windows users I know who
> > don't need it for games, sound and film editing and so COULD switch to
> > Ubuntu but it seems such a big deal because of the atmos surrounding open
> > source.an atmosphere that has never bothered me personally-I have to say!

Actually, I do use Kubuntu for film editing - I record programmes from DVB-T & 
DVB-S tuners with Kaffeine, edit out the adverts with DVBCut and then burn 
them to DVD - and I have done a bit of sound editing with Audacity.

> Hmm, interesting. Why do computers create such fear in people? I've
> known plenty of users who were scared of changing their basic
> computing habits, never mind their OS. I've not considered the effect
> that the perception of open source could have though, I thought that
> was something which mainly affected large organisations.
> I'd be interested to know whether people were put off using
> linux/Ubuntu because it's 'open source' and why, and what we as a
> community could do to change it.

I think one reason is that they think installing Linux is going to mean using 
the CLI for many things and having to compile programs. Something that may 
have been true a few years ago, but less so these days.

Most of them think the Internet means Internet Explorer and wordprocessing 
means using MS Word. The media as a whole doesn't help matters either.

As to how we could change things, I'm not sure. I would love to hold an 
K/Ubuntu install day around where I live, but the local Linux group has gone 
quiet recently.

Registered Linux User #466407 http://counter.li.org

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