[ubuntu-uk] webmin, was Ubuntu RAID Management

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Sat Aug 23 21:20:33 BST 2008

On Sat, Aug 23, 2008 at 08:41:33PM +0100, Mac wrote:
> OK.  So it wasn't that you discovered a serious problem.  Phew!  :-)

Well... there's that as well ;)

> (Do you think its absence from the Debian/Ubuntu repos is 'cos it's 
> released under a BSD licence and not GPL?)

I believe that it just had no maintainer in Debian some time ago, and as 
nobody was maintinaing it, it didn't get updated, and eventually was 
dropped. As a result it doesn't appear in Ubuntu.

If someone stepped up and packaged it for Debian then that would solve the 


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