[ubuntu-uk] WTB: Ubuntu Laptop

Jai Harrison jai at jaiharrison.com
Thu Aug 21 13:45:11 BST 2008

I just looked that up and assume you mean the Inspiron 910. Thanks for
the suggestion but there's a few major problems with it in my eyes

1) The screen resolution is 1024x600 - My current laptop has a
1024x768 resolution and everything fits on it OK but AFAIK 1024x768 is
the bear minimum nowadays and things will not fit on a 1024x600
resolution properly (height is usually especially important!).

2) It uses SSDs. I've heard of a lot of mixed reports on these guys
but I don't think I'm ready to take the plunge yet with a device that
*may* be unable to handle bittorrent's high write count.

3) Ubuntu Netbook Remix? It looks AWFUL to me. I like regular Ubuntu
and probability fact that this one will be bundled with Netbook Remix
makes it a scary option.

On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 12:46 PM, andylockran <andy at zrmt.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Jai,
> I believe the Dell EEE beater is coming out tomorrow with Ubuntu / XP on
> it.
> I'd see what you think of that before moving forwards.  I reckon it'd be
> great in lecture theatres.
> Andy
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