[ubuntu-uk] Restructuring Page Names on the Wiki

Dougie Richardson ddrichardson at btinternet.com
Wed Sep 19 23:57:36 BST 2007

Hi All,

> On 9/18/07, Dougie Richardson <ddrichardson at btinternet.com> wrote:
>> I was reviewing some of the virtualisation topics on the wiki. It occured 
>> to
>> me that there are guides covering everything - there just isn't any
>> structure. Would it be possible for me to say:
>> 1. Expand the Virtualisation page to be the starting point for all other 
>> VM
>> pages?
>> 2. Create new pages within a hierarchy, and transpose the information 
>> (i.e.
>> Virtualisation/VirtualBox, Virtualisation/Qemu, etc)?
>> 3. Deprecate the redundant page names, or get them deleted?
> That sounds like an excellent idea. As for deleting the pages, I
> believe the policy for pages which have existed for a time is to make
> a redirect to the new page. We can fix links on the wiki, but in case
> someone has linked to the old pages externally we should not break
> these links.
> Here's a question, maybe better for a separate thread but... The
> policy for the official Ubuntu documentation is to use en-US (American
> English), and I believe the there is even a translation team for en-GB
> (UK English). Should the Help Wiki also standardize on en-US?

This hadn't even occured to me - I assumed it was in En-US. A standard is 
always a good idea and as much as I hate Americanisms I have to accept it as 
the default.

To be honest though I think there are more problems than language. I'm sure 
its all been discussed before but would it be an idea to decide on structure 
and maybe spending a few days checking out the redundant information on the 
wiki, then once we know how we want it to just hit it on mass and bring it 
up to standard. I also noticed there are pages that are duplicated in the 
system documentation - such as the switching and dual booting guides.


Dougie Richardson
dougie at lynxworks.eu

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