[ubuntu-uk] Kubuntu vs Ubuntu for new users

Chris Rowson christopherrowson at gmail.com
Sat Sep 15 20:56:00 BST 2007

> I think this is definitely one for personal preference.  I think that
> Kubuntu and kde have a lot to offer.  However I personally prefer
> gnome.  This isn't because I'm some numpty like some people would
> insist but because it works the way I expect it to.
> This is definitely a suck and see situation.  Personally I recommend
> the Ubuntu family and tell people to check out the screen shots and
> see which they prefer.

So far I'm finding KDE seems to be a bit more responsive and erm...
sharper than gnome, but it doesn't seem to be as solid. I've found
myself experiencing more application crashes in kde although as I'm
using the tribe 5 release of 7.10 it could be because of that.

There seem to be more options for configuration in KDE, but I'm not so
sure that new users would use them, and that they may get a bit tied
up in them. Gnome layout seems a bit more sane, and I imagine it makes
more sense to a new user.

The voyage of discovery continues!


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