[ubuntu-uk] UbuCon UK Ideas

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Tue Oct 30 14:02:33 GMT 2007

Hi John,

On Mon, 2007-10-29 at 19:54 +0000, John Levin wrote:
> As we've hit 12 people expressing interest in making an UbuCon UK
> happen, I want to take the discussion of an UbuCon in the UK onward.

Yay. Thanks for taking the initiative on this John, it's a great idea
and I think we can come up with something great in the time we have!

> The fundamentals: When? Where? Who? What?

I'd take a step back and ask "Why?"

Why are we looking to schedule an UbuConUK ? What do we want to achieve?

> When? Sometime in Spring 2008, meaning March to May. Gives us time to 
> organise, we'll hopefully have some bearable weather, and could coincide 
> with the release of Hardy Heron at the end of April.

Sounds good. If it can be after the release that would be preferable in
my opinion. We could get a bunch of CDs pressed in time for the event.
Given Hardy is an LTS release this could be a good time to get a big wad
of CDs to dish out.

> Where? I'll say London, maybe because I'm a Londoner.

I'd go for something more central like Birmingham / Manchester. London
has the benefit of transport links from everywhere, the downside that
things are more expensive and it's considerably further from various
parts of the UK. 

> So: add your ideas to this thread; post them to the wiki
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/IdeasPool/UbuCon_UK
> An open meeting on irc, or similar, will be organised soonish (after the 
> Boston Ubuntu Developer Summit is done).

Sounds like a plan.

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