[ubuntu-uk] Best ISP?

Mac Ammonius.Grammaticus at googlemail.com
Wed Oct 24 13:58:39 BST 2007

Jai Harrison wrote:
> Hey Guys,
> I figured this would be an interesting topic for people to discuss.
> We're all from the UK so it should work nicely. What is the best
> Internet Service Provider in your opinion and why? Please state
> whether it is ADSL or cable.
> Jai

I'm with Fasthosts - a thoroughly professional specialist IT company. 
At ?29 a month, the broadband service is a bit expensive, perhaps;  but 
it's fast and reliable.

Their 365/24/7 tech support - covering more or less any problem you 
might have with your network, whether it's broadband-related or not - is 
excellent.  (Not that I've had much need to use it - but when I have, 
the guys have been brilliant.)

I've had very few outages in three years, and most were due to BT.

(Fasthosts' recently had a break-in to their servers - very embarrassing 
for the country's largest web hosting service;  but they dealt with it 
fast, honestly, and openly, contacting customers directly with detailed 
advice and information.)

I've thought about moving to a cheaper ISP;  but the rock-solid 
reliability of the Fasthosts service compared with what I hear of 
cheaper ISPs has kept me with them.


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