[ubuntu-uk] A Call to arms to spend 5 mins helping out with ubuntu support :)

gord gordallott at gmail.com
Mon Oct 22 21:27:30 BST 2007

some of you might not be aware of the Ubuntu 'answer support tracker',
its essentially a place where you can go to post a question or 'support
ticket' about Ubuntu and helpful people (such as myself -_-) will answer
them. Its basically just a nice way of answering support without using
mediums not designed for support (IRC/forums/whatever).
With the release of gutsy the amount of support requests is overwhelming
and a *lot* of them are going completely unanswered so I thought I would
come here to ask if you nice people would consider taking 5 mins out of
your day (great to do it just before lunch or whatever ;)) to just check
the list of support requests and seeing if there is anything on there
you could help out with, all it requires is a launchpad account.

the list of the most recent support requests can be found at

a lot of people would appreciate it if you helped out and its a great
way to get started on helping ubuntu (and other new people) if you have
been sitting on the fence for a while.   
gord <gordallott at gmail.com>
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