[ubuntu-uk] Just ordered an iPod.. Have I just made a big mistake?

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Sat Nov 10 23:59:51 GMT 2007

On Sat, 2007-11-10 at 23:29 +0000, Kris Douglas wrote:
> Hi, a while ago I noticed a thread going on about the iPod Classic
> 160GB... Now I know, they're expensive and all that, so lets forget
> all that flaming...

Holy cow. I never realised they did iPods that massive. No, stoppit,
must resist!

> I was just wondering what the support in Ubuntu was like... Are there
> any things I need to look out for when I'm using the device on
> Ubuntu? 

As I understand it banshee supports these devices. Maybe not the version
in the repo, you might need to compile one from upstream, but I'm pretty
sure at UDS the Banshee guys said they supported all iPods now.

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