[ubuntu-uk] Just ordered an iPod.. Have I just made a big mistake?

Rob Beard rob at esdelle.co.uk
Sat Nov 10 23:56:32 GMT 2007

Kris Douglas wrote:
> Hi, a while ago I noticed a thread going on about the iPod Classic 
> 160GB... Now I know, they're expensive and all that, so lets forget all 
> that flaming...
> I was just wondering what the support in Ubuntu was like... Are there 
> any things I need to look out for when I'm using the device on Ubuntu?
> Thanks,
> Kris Douglas
>       Softdel Limited Hosting Services

As far as I was aware they work fine, but I don't personally own an iPod 
(and I doubt I will unless someone gives me one as a present) so I can't 
be sure if that's correct or not. (I vaguely remember something about 
Apple changing something on the newer iPods so they didn't work on Linux 
but I'm pretty sure it was fixed).


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