[ubuntu-uk] Games with a Christmas theme

Rob Beard rob at esdelle.co.uk
Sat Nov 10 23:58:05 GMT 2007

Tony Arnold wrote:
> Rob,
> Rob Beard wrote:
>> Where is this Museum of Computing?  Sounds like heaven if it's got loads 
>> of computers and consoles.
> There seems to be at least two places that thus could be:
> http://www.museum-of-computing.org.uk/ at the University of Bath, Swindon.
> or
> http://www.tnmoc.co.uk/
> which is better known as the National Museum of Computing and is in
> Bletchley Park where you can see an original Enigma machine and loads of
> other stuff. I went there a couple of months ago!
> I think Dianne is referring to the one in Swindon.
> Regards,
> Tony.

Ahh, Swindon isn't that far from me, looks like a good way of using up 
some holiday.


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