[ubuntu-uk] Games with a Christmas theme

gord gordallott at gmail.com
Sat Nov 10 22:13:14 GMT 2007

On Sat, 2007-11-10 at 21:41 +0000, Dianne Reuby wrote:
> We're planning a gamers day for Christmas at the Museum of Computing -
> we have quite a few games with a Christmas theme lined up for consoles,
> handhelds and Windows. I thought it would be an opportunity to show off
> Ubuntu both to our visitors and to my fellow volunteers.
> Can anyone recommend any Linux games with a Christmas theme? 
> Dianne

pretty much any with the name 'tux' in it ;) hes a penguin! 
also there is pingus (like lemmings if you can remember that.. but with
tux) frozen bubble, tux racer and Super Tux among others. generally
though there arn't many games made with an actual christmas'y theme for
the pc (such as.. iruno, saving Santa from evil reindeer's or som't?)
because pc games are generally played by 'older' gamers. but those have
snow in it n stuff. 
gord <gordallott at gmail.com>
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