[ubuntu-uk] Gutsy

Kirrus kirrus at kirrus.co.uk
Sat Nov 10 14:50:43 GMT 2007

----- "London School of Puppetry" <lspinfo at gmail.com> wrote:
> Sean
> It is only 128mb. so I think I'll leave the upgrade....Feisty
> seems fine.  Can you tell me why the upgrade manager will only 
> do a partial upgrade?

It probably needs to remove something in order to complete your upgrades: upgrades won't remove anything. 

You will at some point need to move to Gusty, as Feisty will reach end-of-life security support wise in October next year.

Kind regards,


Blog: kirrus.co.uk
Work: encryptec.net

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Lt Aieron Peters, XO DS5

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