[ubuntu-uk] Why did you all ignore me........................

David Restall - System Administrator dave at restall.net
Thu Nov 8 09:19:41 GMT 2007


Has nobody told you about the BO ? :-)

> I posted this and no one replied. I've met Alan Pope and Dave Walker
> at the gutsy party as well as Mark Shuttleworth who tried to help me
> out also.
> Please does anyoen have a clue to the below.....................
> Ok, some additional information. It seems that I got it wrong in the


> access all the content. However, today I booted up from a Gutsy Live
> (CD) and although I can still see the drive, it would not mount. It gave
> me some error about  improper shutdown or it still being in use. Also
> something about ntfs and a very concise option on how to force mount it

More snips...

Because it is seen as 'improper shutdown or it still being in use', I
would suspect that it is in use rather than improper shutdown.  If it
was a shutdown problem the live cd would probably give you the same
message becuase it too would detect the improper shutdown.  This leads
to the conclusion that the drive must be seen as in use.  Something must
be trying to mount or access that drive and so stopping it from being
mounted.  What does your mount command show ?  The drive may already be
mounted just not where you expect it to be.

> Has anyone got any idea why I can see and use the drive connected to
> port 1 or 2 on the Highpoint Rocket Raid 1540 SATA , when using the
> Feisty Live (DvD) but it will not work on either the Gutsy Live (Cd)
> or either Feisty or Gutsy installed on an IDE hard drive?
> Please help me someone as this is causing me sleepless nights and I dont
> know enough about linux or Ubuntu yet to try compiling the source HPT374
> driver from Highpoint, yet.
> Nuff respect to all the  good work all of you do both here and elsewhere,
> in promoting this wonderful (if sometimes frustrating) OS.


ubuntu/uk-2007-11-08.tx                nem2killu2 at yahoo.co.uk ubuntu-uk
| Dave Restall, Computer Nerd, Cyclist, Radio Amateur G4FCU, Bodger          |
| Mob +44 (0) 7973 831245      Skype: dave.restall             Radio: G4FCU  |
| email : dave at restall.net                     Web : Not Ready Yet :-(       |
| Cheops' Law:                                                               |
|     Nothing ever gets built on schedule or within budget.                  |

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