[ubuntu-uk] Introductions and Init script bug query

Tony Arnold tony.arnold at manchester.ac.uk
Wed May 16 10:42:50 BST 2007


christopher chatfield wrote:

> I have a question about init and sendmail.
> It seems that in the default configuration that the init script tries to
> load sendmail before the right run level has started as sendmail tries
> to write to a filesystem that is read only.
> Does anyone know how to edit init script so the correct timing for the
> sendmail rc is set?

You may want to look at the update-rc.d command (run as root). You can
use it to set which run levels an init script gets executed for.

Note the default run level in Ubuntu is 2, so you probably just need
sendmail init file to run in level 2 only.

Just a personal preference, but I would be tempted to look at postfix as
an alternative to sendmail. It's much easier to configure and is the
default/recommended MTA package for Ubuntu.

Tony Arnold, IT Security Coordinator, University of Manchester,
IT Services Division, Kilburn Building, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL.
T: +44 (0)161 275 6093, F: +44 (0)870 136 1004, M: +44 (0)773 330 0039
E: tony.arnold at manchester.ac.uk, H: http://www.man.ac.uk/Tony.Arnold

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