[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Podcast Test Recording 1 (ping jono)

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Tue May 15 07:02:44 BST 2007

On Mon, May 14, 2007 at 05:54:29PM +0100, Paul RJ Mellors wrote:
> however i've now had a go at recording something, as a test to see what 
> i actually sound like, it's unrehearsed, unplanned, unscripted,totally 
> made up on the fly crap :) but here it is any way. 

I think this sounds pretty good for a short demo.

In my opinion you have a good voice for this kind of thing.

I am no audio expert however so don't know what you can/should do to improve 
that side of things. Maybe we could ask some other prominent podcasters for 
their input. Now, where will we find one I wonder..


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