[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu UK Forums

Tony ttiger at lineone.net
Mon Mar 19 01:01:38 GMT 2007

"Chris Rowson" <christopherrowson at gmail.com> 
wrote in message 
news:d6c346600703181012r3e0760b8ob9dd2bdde2cb0fe2 at mail.gmail.com...
>I checked out the ubuntuforums.org earlier today to see whether or not
> there was a UK LoCo section there.
> I was a little surprised to read that the mailing list had voted not
> to have a presence at ubuntuforums.org and I have a little difficulty
> understanding why.
> Surely in this day and age, forums are a viable alternative to mailing
> lists, and even preferable in some situations. I wondered if the
> decision to opt out of ubuntuforums.org was influenced by a fear of
> such a presence damaging the usage of the mailing list.
> Whilst I can see why this might be a slap in the face to people who
> have invested so much time into building up the mailing list, surely
> if people would prefer to communicate through the forums, it'd be a
> good idea to use them and 'grow' the community.
> I am - I know making the assumption that people prefer forums, but I
> think in general this assumption seems to be true. Where mailing lists
> are the mainstay of open source and linux communication I think forums
> would give the group a higher profile and encourage a far greater
> interaction with the community.
> Does anyone else agree or am I alone? Is there any harm in requesting
> a UK LoCo forum?
> Chris

I am one that doesn't like mailing lists.  My inbox gets too choked up 
anyway with other stuff and I find myself not bothering to read a lot - just 
hit delete to clear some space :-) .  The next best thing to a forum is the 
news.gmane.org newserver where the lists are in newsgroup form and topics 
nicely threaded which is where I am posting this from. 

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