[ubuntu-uk] App for organizing pdfs

Andrew Black (delete obvious bit) andrew-07a at mail.black1.org.uk
Sun Mar 11 11:30:37 GMT 2007

Paul Sladen <ubuntu at paul.sladen.org> wrote in
news:Pine.LNX.4.21.0703081405420.14858-100000 at starsky.19inch.net: 

> Could you describe a few examples/use-cases of what "manage" might
> mean to help to narrow things down.

I am not the original poster, but  I could chip in to say what I would like 
in a similar vein. This applies to any type of file, including images.

 - adding notes associted with the files (without changing the files them 
 - adding tags
 - sorting /selecting by tags
 - processing tags either for a single directory or for a tree of 
 - being able to access this metadata programmatically in a language of 
your choice 

I am not a Mac type so I don't understand what "iPhoto for documents" is 

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