[ubuntu-uk] What manufacturer wireless access point to buy?

alan c aeclist at candt.waitrose.com
Thu Mar 8 20:42:29 GMT 2007

I want to buy a wireless access point to add to my existing wired 
network, (and learn a bit about wireless). I want good security, and 
being a novice at wireless setup, I would strongly prefer something 
easy at first, with the facility to  do advanced things later.

I would prefer to favour (that is give money to) manufacturers if any, 
who are most linux friendly in whatever way.

The Belkin (mmm....)  F5D7132UK (dabs quicklinx:  4287WS ) was looking 
fairly good to me until I saw the firmware upgrade is done via windows 
.exe or so it seems.  However, this may be the same for all such bits 
of kit.

Any useful votes please for linux friendly directions?
alan cocks
Kubuntu user#10391

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