[ubuntu-uk] bug report

James Tait james.tait at wyrddreams.org
Mon Mar 5 15:41:14 GMT 2007

London School of Puppetry wrote:
> I was updating my Ubuntu- and left it running and came back to find
> that there was a bug report, and I had to forward it.  Where do I send
> it?  Can anyone help?

I don't have an instance of the window open to verify this, but if I
remember correctly you should have two options -- "Send Report" and
"Cancel".  If you click the former, a web page should open in your web
browser of choice with, I think, a list of bugs filed in Launchpad
against the application that crashed.  If none of the bug reports
matches your own symptoms, you should file a new bug in Launchpad.

The crash report window should also be replaced with a new window
offering you the option to send the full report or an abbreviated one,
with a pointer to the file containing the crash data (under /var/crash)
and an option to view the contents of the file.  Whether you file a new
bug report or append to an existing one, if you're able you should
attach the crash report from /var/crash/... to the bug report to help
the developers understand what went wrong and hopefully help prevent it
from happening in the future.

James Tait, BSc                        |    xmpp:jayteeuk at wyrddreams.org
Programmer and Free Software advocate  |       VoIP: +44 (0)870 490 2407

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