[ubuntu-uk] suck it and see

Louisa Parry louisa at louisaparry.co.uk
Thu Jun 21 13:43:51 BST 2007

On Thu, 2007-06-21 at 12:53 +0100, norman wrote:

> Come on Ubuntu users, let's hear of all the things you like to use and
> what gives you pleasure. Stop lurking and come out.
> Norman

Inkscape makes various bits of me tingle.  In a good way.

So does Dasher.

I am also quite a fan of the various simple puzzle type games available
for those killing-time moments.  (I've done a blog on my top ten here -
http://tinyurl.com/3924z6 )

And if that's not enough, I'm regularly amazed by the wide, wide, WIDE
range of programs available for installation.  Example: probably not
something a lot of people need but I recently needed to make a
cross-stitch sewing pattern.  I anticipated having to draw it in
Inkscape (purrrr) and then (tediously) make the pattern by hand in
either Inkscape or GIMP - but a quick search on Synaptic revealed there
is a piece of software (kxstitch) that does all the pattern making for
you.  It's not perfect yet but the fact it's there, for free and free,
is just wonderful.

-louisa :)

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