[ubuntu-uk] Leaflets

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Mon Jun 18 21:37:59 BST 2007

Hi Rob,

On Mon, 2007-06-18 at 21:16 +0100, Rob Beard wrote:
> Ahh thats good.  When I saw it I thought... hmmm, that looks like Telly 
> Tubby land on XP.  I'm sure lots of people will see that and think 
> Windows XP.  In fact I tested it on my other half.  I asked her what 
> computer related thing she thinks of when she sees it and she said 
> 'Windows'.

Wherever it comes from it needs to be licensed in such a way that we can
redistribute it freely of course :)

> "Ubuntu is compatible with Windows
> computers and programs."

Maybe "Ubuntu is compatible with Windows and Mac based computers". The
software is another matter.

> Also, since Ubuntu, Windows and Vista are trademarked, shouldn't there 
> be something on there to say about the trademark holders (like very 
> small print or something?)

IANAL and I suspect we would need to consult one before deciding on

> Just wondering too, are there any guides on the Ubuntu Wiki to help 
> Windows users move over to Linux, for instance finding alternatives to 
> all their favourite applications?


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