[ubuntu-uk] Searching for a Killer App

Rob Beard rob at esdelle.co.uk
Fri Jun 15 20:37:50 BST 2007

Robin Menneer wrote:

> As a newbie. I think that OOo will do all  your relations want because 
> Draw is so well integrated with Writer.  But you'll have to explain the 
> mysteries of how the curser changes for what you want to do - it's not 
> obvioius and took me many days to fathom it out completely.  I don't 
> think you need scribus at an elemenetary level - it holds out no 
> attractions for me above Writer/Draw in OOo.   Robin

I'd agree with that, although I have used Scribus in the past, generally 
OOo Draw does most of I want.

I've downloaded a trial of Publisher 2007 (on my other half's laptop) so 
I'll have a play and see if copying and pasting from Publisher to OOo 
works or not.


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