[ubuntu-uk] www.ubuntu-uk.org .

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Mon Jun 11 21:11:11 BST 2007

On Mon, 2007-06-11 at 16:16 +0100, Nik Butler wrote:
> In fact ubuntu-uk.org is down .. sorry .. hamerkeys are here.
> Popey is aware and on the case ..

Thanks for letting the list know Nik. My own email was tricky to get to
because it's hosted on the same box as ubuntu-uk.org.

The server went down at 13:52 UTC and came back at around 19:00 UTC.

We don't yet know why the server crashed, I understand bitfolk are
looking into this. However the reason why the downtime was extended was
due to a configuration problem with the upstream hosting provider.

Unfortunately it wasn't possible to remotely shutdown the server power
without taking out the rest of the machines on that power strip. In
addition there didn't seem to be a way if telling putty to send "sysrq"
type functions to tell the server to reboot via the serial console.
(Anyone know for future reference how you can do that when you don't get
a command prompt and the kernel is spewing OOM errors?). In the event it
required "remote hands" to physically reboot the server. Everything
should be tickety-boo now.

Apologies for the extended downtime.


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