[ubuntu-uk] Face to Face support on the Ohio
stude.list at googlemail.com
Thu Jun 7 13:26:02 BST 2007
On 07/06/07, Rob <Spirit at bluedragoon.co.uk> wrote:
> In addition wouldn't you have to offer an IRC / IM support service too?
> i have an IRC server you guys can use irc.forthegamers.org find me
> (caboose) or Ghozer on there or wait for me to come online in #chat
We do have #ubuntu-uk on Freenode IRC.
Ubuntu does have IRC support on #ubuntu but it's normally very busy
(or at least whenever I have been there).
Who do we speak to at Ubuntu in the event we did want an Ubuntu UK
support channel?
It's possible to register an email address with IM, but how would we
go about getting multiple people able to answer?
Is it even possible on the common networks?
Couple of notes about Voice support:
One problem with call back is volunteers have to pay an unknown price
when then start the call. Who knows how long it's going to take to fix
the problem to start with? And if the number someone gives is a mobile
number then you're in for a hefty bill.
If it used VOIP for someone to ring in the support person wouldn't
have to pay. And it is still going to be cheaper than the 60p a minute
rubbish I got billed when I had to call for help with the dreaded
Windows (parents machine, not managed to persuade them to switch yet).
Or if you could have call back but the supporter makes a SIP
connection to some kind of Ubuntu-UK phone gateway and then the Ubuntu
UK community funds it in aggregate. Problem with that is you need
enough free lines to that server, unless the gateway somehow forwards
it to one of the commercial sip to phone companies. (I know very
little about VOIP btw).
One issue that would put me off helping is the fact I am not an
expert, I don't know the internal working of the kernel or X etc. so
some of the complex questions I will be stuck on. I can probably help
with the simpler of questions though. What does one do if you don't
know the answer, is it possible to setup some kind of facility to
"bounce" the call to someone more experienced? Maybe have a lists of
the help people and their speciality so for tough questions you can
send it to the most expert person in that area.
Also I know we already have email support but I don't think it's very
new person friendly.
Some people may not know what a mailing list is or how to work it, and
if they just want the solution to a problem they could find it
inconvenient to have to delve through everyone else's problems. Maybe
Ubuntu in general or the UK team could set up a web based form where
they type in problem and you can select a problem and email them back
with just there answer so they don't get flooded by loads of other
peoples questions. I suppose this is what launchpad answers is, can we
make it any easier. Does it email you when someone answers your
question and can you respond by hitting reply in your email client.
Maybe we could just publicise it a little better?
On the subject of recording stuff, would it not be helpful to fill out
a small report after the support call. It would be useful to know what
people are phoning up about so we know which bits are not user
friendly and so we can document common problems and have then at hand
for the support people to look up.
Sorry about the rather long email,
First they ignore you
then they laugh at you
then they fight you
then you win.
- Mohandas Gandhi
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