[ubuntu-uk] Converting many .jpgs to mpeg4 without using wildcards

Dominic Forrest dominic.forrest at ntlworld.com
Mon Jun 4 14:16:21 BST 2007

OK - apologies if I was somewhat vague in my requirements!

1)   There is a directory structure with very many (several thousand) 
directories containing a large amount of .jpg files.

2)   I have a perl script that runs periodically and using criteria 
stored in a mysql database identifies a subset of these files (based on 
a number of criteria stored within the db).

3) The files identified in 2) will be spread across a number of 
directories with not all files in any single directory necessarily included.

4)   I wish to convert these images into a video running at (say) 10 fps 
using reasonably high compression which can later be viewed from  Linux 
& Windows clients.

5)   The number of images identified in each run (probably daily) will 
range from a few dozen to a few thousand with each image in the range 

Hope thats clearer!


Sean Miller wrote:
> Kris Marsh wrote:
>> Dump your mysql output to a file, and then use $(cat file) in place of
>> where your wildcard/files would be.
> This all sounds very over the top to me... I would appreciate it if the 
> requirement was outlined somewhat more clearly... from what I've read, 
> it seems that "find" would adequately work as a command to pipe into 
> whatever script it is that requires the files...
> ie.
> whatever.shl < `find . -name '*wildcard*' -print`
> or...
> find . -name '*wildcard*' -print | process_archive.shl
> ...or similar...
> Sean

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