[ubuntu-uk] Making embedded media work properly
sieverfrisch at yahoo.ie
Wed Jul 4 20:53:52 BST 2007
SteVe Cook wrote:
> Mac wrote:
>> This is very curious. I'm not sure it's simply a sites issue; I
>> wonder if the inconsistent symptoms we observe aren't partly due to our
>> own particular combinations of conflicts between various players, or the
>> remnants of various players, that we've installed and uninstalled in our
>> efforts to get embedded media working - totem, xine, mplayer, realplay,
>> flash, all sorts of plugins and goodness knows what else, sometimes in
>> several different versions of the same apps.
>> The existence of layers of accumulated HowTos - many of them partly
>> or completely out of date - adds to the chaos.
> I think you may have highlighted the (on of the ?) problem. I have
> three machines here.
> One upgraded from edgy, that has had every media player, codec, etc.
> known to man on it at one time or other. It now has problems with all
> sorts of media.
> The machine I did a clean install on back in may, just before feisty was
> officially released only has trouble with realplayer stuff in the main.
> The third machine is my 'try it - wipe it - reinstall' machine. I've
> gone the medibuntu route on that and have know problems with the beeb or
> SteVe
I've just tried the GMTV clips page out in Windows.
In Firefox 2.0 the interview with Michael Kerr plays out in sound only
until you click inside the embedded player, causing the stream to be
shown in full-screen mode.
In Internet Explorer, nothing actually happens...
Back in Seamonkey under Feisty, the clips page immediately returns the
Requested file not found. The link you followed may be outdated or
The least that can be done in Ubuntu is to make available an optional
version of mplayer that doesn't install the useless RealMedia plugin.
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