[ubuntu-uk] BBC Consultation

London School of Puppetry lspinfo at gmail.com
Wed Jan 31 21:54:31 GMT 2007

On 31/01/07, Scrase, Eddie <escrase.uk at wentworthlabs.com> wrote:
>  The BBC are running a consultation about introducing on-demand services
> (for example, replaying shows over the internet).  Question 5 of the
> consultation asks "How important is it that the proposed seven-day catch-up
> service over the internet is available to consumers who are not using
> Microsoft software?"  I have filled in the questionnaire (obviously stating
> my opinion that the BBC should support Linux), and would like to suggest
> that others do the same:
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbctrust/consult/open-consultations/ondemand_services.html
>  Have just done it thanks for flagging it up, Caroline
> --
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London School of Puppetry
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