[ubuntu-uk] Hi there!

alan c aeclist at candt.waitrose.com
Thu Jan 18 22:59:33 GMT 2007

Benjamin Webb wrote:
> Hello there,
> I'm new to the Ubuntu-UK community. I've recently install Edgy Eft on
> a relatively old computer of mine and it is working fine.


> I thought I'd contribute to the discussion here, because I am in my
> last year at secondary school, and the talk about OSS in schools is
> quite relevant for me. I'd be interested in joining any capaign to
> support Ubuntu or OSS in general in UK schools.

Good for you.

The culture change can begin very close to home also with
- being sure to introduce the subject of Open Source and Ubuntu into 
relevant conversations with family and friends.
- being able to offer to help install open source apps for friends who 
are not PC literate
- consider encouraging or helping  your more PC adventurous friends to 
install Ubuntu - they will often be sort of thinking of linux,
   but since they have lived with windows for years, it will be 
reassuring to have someone using linux to discuss issues initially.

alan cocks
Kubuntu user#10391

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