[ubuntu-uk] Open Source Challenges Vista at U.K. Education Show

Alistair Crust alistair at skegnessgrammar.org
Thu Jan 18 09:44:09 GMT 2007

We do have a few white boards although they are used with laptops, (WinXp re installed as part of the Laptop of Techers scheme). However the latest version of the smartboard software does have a linux version. As of yet I havn't had a chance to test how well it works.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: London School of Puppetry 
  To: British Ubuntu Talk 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 6:35 PM
  Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] Open Source Challenges Vista at U.K. Education Show

  I have seen whiteboard in a number of schools recently all working brilliantly.  Caroline

  On 17/01/07, Toby Smithe < toby.smithe at gmail.com> wrote:
    Hi. I'm curious: do you have whiteboards and do they work? 

    On Wed, 2007-01-17 at 09:42 +0000, Alistair Crust wrote:
    > Hi, I would have to strongly disagree with your outlook here.
    > I talk from experience as a systems admin at Skegness Grammar school in
    > Lincolnshire. We have run LTSP with several different distros for 3 years 
    > (Settling on Debian, then Ubuntu) on 100+ thin clients with Ubuntu fat
    > clients in most of the department offices and all services web-filtering,
    > email, intranet etc using Linux. Legacy apps are available using win2k3 
    > Terminal services. All curriculum teaching is done using Linux. We are now a
    > Maths and Computing Specialist school.
    > Although I must admit any advances into education by OSS and GNU/Linux in 
    > general will be, and have been, hard at first the more it is used the more
    > Managers, Teachers, Software vendors.. even school governors wanting to make
    > the most of their budget will see the benefits. 
    > To clarify I recently read in a blog post by Mark Shuttleworth
    > (http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/76) that for hardware
    > manufacturers it seems to be about critical mass... once 5-10% of people are 
    > asking for Linux support only then will they care about providing that
    > support. IMHO this also is the case for software vendors.
    > Without that critical mass in education, shouting to manufacturers 
    > (hardware/software) then it will be a struggle for advancement but not
    > impossible. Once we have this critical mass, software vendors and hardware
    > vendors alike will care about why they are loosing out on a viable and 
    > important revenue stream. With BECTA et al reiterating the need for OSS this
    > will help to grow the seeds of change..for the better.
    > I would love to see some way that government could provide funding to OSS 
    > projects to continue there sterling work. Funding that would ordinarily go
    > to proprietary systems that bear a great risk for vendor lock-in. Look at
    > the funding for the Compulsory.. sorry Optional KS3 ICT Online...sorry 
    > On-screen Test....sorry Assessment. (This just shows the U turn the
    > government has done when they found out things were not going as smoothly as
    > they thought, and they had spend a shed load of tax payers cash and it 
    > wasn't going to do what they wanted it to do). This cash could have gone to
    > funding something useful... even getting someone like Canonicle to build an
    > On-line distro neutral Test... something that works! 
    > To close, I know I haven't been the most active member of the list as I have
    > limited spare time. I did however feel compelled to add my two peneth here.
    > I'll get of my soap box now. 
    > Keep up the great work with OSS promotion.. as I said critical mass, the
    > more we chip away at this the better it becomes. To coin a phrase "Every
    > Little Helps!"(tm)
    > Regards 
    > Alistair Crust
    > ----- Original Message -----
    > From: "Colin_The_Technician" <binarysignal at gmail.com>
    > To: "British Ubuntu Talk" < ubuntu-uk at lists.ubuntu.com>
    > Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 11:21 PM
    > Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] Open Source Challenges Vista at U.K. Education Show
    > >I was at the BETT Show and saw the Open Forum Europe stand and the
    > > Edubuntu CD's.  Also the Internet cafe there was powered by Linux.  So
    > > while it's good to see them at BETT I personally never think Linux we 
    > > make any advances into education.  And I say that as a school Network
    > > Manager.
    > >
    > > I say that because of the 190 poor written and designed educational
    > > applications we have on our network NONE of them have Linux versions. 
    > > That is with one exception....the new Yr9 ICT SAT software has a Linux
    > > version and I noticed that just yesterday.
    > >
    > > I do promote OSS and Linux within education.  I have converted one 
    > > teacher and two students to Ubuntu.  And given OpenOffice to many
    > > students who do not have MS Office on their home PCs.
    > >
    > > I believe OpenOffice, The GIMP and other OSS applications could do 
    > > well in schools, but I believe the desktop OS will always be Windows.
    > > Mainly because myself and my colleagues (MS Admins) are ten a penny :-)
    > >
    > > --
    > > ubuntu-uk at lists.ubuntu.com
    > > https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk
    > > https://wiki.kubuntu.org/UKTeam/ 
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > > --
    > > No virus found in this incoming message.
    > > Checked by AVG Free Edition.
    > > Version: 7.5.432 / Virus Database: 268.16.12/630 - Release Date: 
    > > 15/01/2007 20:28
    > >
    > >
    Help me get to Venezuela!

    ubuntu-uk at lists.ubuntu.com


  London School of Puppetry


  ubuntu-uk at lists.ubuntu.com


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