[ubuntu-uk] Donation of Old PCs

Mr W. F. Vening nvening at gmail.com
Thu Jan 4 18:20:09 GMT 2007


Mabe we could integrate this somehow with Ubuntu-UK? Im guessing that
you will only work locally and if we created some sort of integration
then we could collaborate with other Charities and people across the

On 1/4/07, George MacLeod <bhaltair at gmail.com> wrote:
> I run a small charity (www.clacksnet.org.uk) and we are  about to start a
> scheme where  local  community groups, charities and the low waged can get a
> fully functioning PC with Ubuntu inatalled as well as all the useual Open
> Source s/w for a small donation. The idea came about as I work at the
> University of Stirling which has a fairly high turnaround of PCs and as they
> have to pay for disposal it's better for them to donate them to my charity.
> We are starting small at first with only PCs from my own departmant and if
> this goes well I'll approach the desktop support team with a proposal. I
> only take fully operational Pentium 2 or above systems and agree to wipe the
> HDD. I've found P2s run very well on Ubuntu 6.06 and P3s are still OK with
> 6.1. I also found that Xubuntu is more suitable for some laptops (Thinkpads)
> than Ubuntu.
> Cheers
> George

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