[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu (Linux, FOSS) & exposure to the power that be.

Llywelyn Owen linux at spamtracker.co.uk
Wed Jan 3 20:50:53 GMT 2007

I've been lurking in the shadows as the debate about the use of FOSS in the
public arena raged(s) on. In my work I get to go to many, many party
political conferences mainly in Wales and it occurred to me that at most of
these conferences there are lobby stalls which promote all sort of non
profit making organisations (ring a bell?). Well, seeing as most of these
conferences are frequented by MPs, euro MPs, assembly members, council
officials, teachers, and bods of high influence, might it not be a good idea
to get in on the act with a splendid FOSS stall?

A visit to the main 3 national conferences would cover much ground and if
repeated on a regional basis would surely do more good than lobbying
Westminster. I've seen the stalls and on the whole they're deserted apart
from the technical type (toys, videos, hands on etc) and a stall promising
(we can do that can't we?) free, functional, but most of all high quality
and accountable software on existing hardware would no doubt at least get
some attention and supporters if not some decisions.

So what do you say? Get a kit of PCs together illustrating server and client
software actually working with FOSS? They surely can't ignore that, can
they? One proviso however, stall holders would actually have to be able to
do, or point the client to some follow up so that this stuff can be

By the way I don't think I'm the type of person to supply the set up, do the
hard sell, or follow up!


Llywelyn Owen
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